
Summer 2020

This summer has had its share of challenges for our community. Isolation and uncertainty of what's around the corner conjures anxiety. Yet we are grateful...

Fr. Dustin Feddon
Summer 2020

This summer has had its share of challenges for our community. Isolation and uncertainty of what's around the corner conjures anxiety. Yet we are grateful for a few JH friends who have invited our little community to go out into some of the more enchanting spaces in nature that surround us. These experiences teach us what it means to dwell in our world amidst all its goodness and wonder.

Our first outing was a canoe & kayak expedition at Lake Hall in Maclay Gardens. There we had a canoe guide show us safe and fun techniques while gliding on water. It was a rare, cool summer morning in North Tallahassee. 

A few weeks later our friends MJ and John invited us out on their boat for what would be a launch out into the Gulf from Shell Point. There we encountered playful dolphins, a massive sea turtle, and what some on our boat claimed was a mysterious sea creature posing as a manatee. When we happened upon a shoal we decided to chill a bit and take a dip.  

For those who have been subjected to some of the more barbaric living conditions in our state, these excursions in the outdoors can be therapeutic. A world once considered cruel and inhospitable is now more habitable and wonderful. The sheer sight of dolphins at play was a glorious wonder to behold.