Our New Intern Kaly

This semester we are happy to welcome our new intern Kaly. Here’s Kaly in her own words:

Hi! My name is Kaly Allison and I am currently in my last year of graduate school as a Social Work major at Florida State University. After receiving my undergraduate degree in social work I decided to further my education to ultimately become a LCSW. My main motivation for my interest in the criminal justice system was simple: it scared me. Growing up and having many friends and family members going in and out of the system, as well as losing loved ones to violent crimes, influenced my decision to become a Social Worker and address the one area of social work I was unsure of. For me, it felt too personal and a fear of mine was that it would affect my ability to be a competent social worker.

So for my undergraduate degree I interned at the state attorney’s office as a victim advocate which led me to accept a job working at the injunction office at the local courthouse in Tallahassee, FL. Within this time I developed an interest in working with individuals coming out of prison and/or jail. I was familiar with the part of the system that sent individuals to prison, and wanted to be a part of the re-entry process for those coming out.

This has led me to interning at Joseph House for my final placement.

These first four weeks of being at Joseph House have taught me so much and have furthered my passion for the field!

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The art of accompaniment


Some may volunteer by accompanying our residents through challenging tasks.

Others may wish to volunteer by assisting helping us around the house, creating a sense of belonging for all of us.

Finally, others may simply want to join us on occasion at our community events to learn more.

Responding to Material Needs


There are very real costs to create a home for those hoping to re-enter society after incarceration. 

Joseph House, through the generosity of our donors, has been able to take concrete steps towards justice by restoring the dignity of those leaving the prison systems.

Sharing the Good News


In less than one year our ministry has grown in leaps and bounds, impacting the lives of many for one simple reason: people are sharing the good news. 

We encourage you to share Joseph House with your family, your friends, your community, inviting them to join us as we join those re-entering society after prison.

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